eBike Tour Bournemouth

An eBike tour from Bournemouth is a wonderful way to explore the beautiful coastal scenery of the region while enjoying the convenience and ease of an electric bike. Here's an example of one of our tours:

  1. Start at Bournemouth Pier: Bournemouth Pier is a great starting point for the tour. You can rent an eBike from a nearby rental shop or bring your own.

  2. Cycle along the seafront: From the pier, cycle along the seafront towards Sandbanks. The seafront offers a flat and scenic route with plenty of stunning views of the coastline.

  3. Stop at Sandbanks: Sandbanks is a beautiful beach with golden sand and clear water. You can take a break here and enjoy the scenery, have a swim, or grab some refreshments from the nearby cafes and restaurants.

  4. Cycle to Studland: From Sandbanks, continue cycling towards Studland. The route takes you through some picturesque coastal villages and offers stunning views of the coastline.

  5. Explore Studland: Studland is a small village located on the Isle of Purbeck. The village is famous for its beautiful beaches and nature reserves, and there are plenty of things to see and do here. You can explore the Studland Bay Nature Reserve, visit the historic Old Harry Rocks, or relax on the beaches.

  6. Return to Bournemouth: After exploring Studland, cycle back to Bournemouth. You can take the same route back, or take a different route through some of the nearby countryside and villages.

Overall, the eBike tour from Bournemouth to Studland is a fantastic way to explore the beautiful coastline and countryside of the region. With an eBike, you can cover more ground with less effort, and enjoy the stunning scenery at a leisurely pace.

brown wooden dock on sea during daytime
brown wooden dock on sea during daytime
coastal rocks on body of water during daytime
coastal rocks on body of water during daytime
eBike Tour Bournemouth view
eBike Tour Bournemouth view